1958 Burrowes on Canticles

Commentary on Canticles or the Song of Solomon by George Burrowes (
Banner of Truth) 1958

There is probably no book in the Bible which is so neglected as The Song of Solomon. There are many reasons for this. The “higher” critics regard it as but the love song or poem of a king, written to one of his loves when he was probably under the influence of wine. They feel that it should not be in the Bible at all, that it has no spiritual value whatsoever, and that it is scarcely a fit book for good and moral people to read. It is not surprising therefore that they should neglect it. But there are many who, while totally rejecting such a view, nevertheless neglect this book because they find it difficult to understand. They cannot see the meaning of the imagery and often find themselves in difficulties as to the exact speaker. They feel that is has a message but they cannot find it. Contrasted with these there are those who regard this book as a mine of spiritual treasure and as one of the most exquisite expositions of the relationship between the believer and his Lord to be found anywhere in the Bible. Such, for instance, was the view taken of it by J. Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, and his little book expounding it called “Union and Communion” is of great value.
Clearly, therefore, the average Christian needs help in order to be able to enter into this rich enjoyment. It is because I know of nothing which in any way approaches this commentary in that respect that I am glad that it is being re-printed and made available. It has everything that should characterize a good commentary – learning and scholarship, accuracy and carefulness, but, above all, and more important than all else, true spiritual insight and understanding. It provides a key to the understanding of the whole and every verse which the humblest Christian can easily follow. I predict that all who read it and study it will agree with me in saying that they have never read anything more uplifting and heart-warming. It will lead them to their Lord and enable them to know and to realize His love as they have never done before.
D M Lloyd-Jones Westminster Chapel, London

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